AlmaLinux OS 9 cron configuration files directory must be group-owned by root.

STIG ID: ALMA-09-011790  |  SRG: SRG-OS-000480-GPOS-00227 |  Severity: medium |  CCI: CCI-000366 |  Vulnerability Id: V-269183

Vulnerability Discussion

Service configuration files enable or disable features of their respective services that if configured incorrectly can lead to insecure and vulnerable configurations; therefore, service configuration files must be owned by the correct group to prevent unauthorized changes.


Verify the group ownership of all cron configuration files with the following command:

$ stat -c "%G %n" /etc/cron*

root /etc/cron.d
root /etc/cron.daily
root /etc/cron.deny
root /etc/cron.hourly
root /etc/cron.monthly
root /etc/crontab
root /etc/cron.weekly

If any crontab is not group owned by root, this is a finding.


Configure any cron configuration not group-owned by root with the following command:

$ chgrp root [cron config file]