Vulnerability Discussion
HTTP Response Headers contain information that could enable an attacker to gain access to an information system. Failure to prevent the sending of certain HTTP Response Header information to remote requesters exposes internal configuration information to potential attackers.
Open Registry Editor.
Navigate to “HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\HTTP\Parameters”
Verify “DisableServerHeader” is set to “1”.
If REG_DWORD DisableServerHeader is not set to 1, this is a finding.
If the System Administrator can show that Server Version information has been removed via other means, such as using a rewrite outbound rule, this is not a finding.
Navigate to “HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\HTTP\Parameters”.
Create REG_DWORD “DisableServerHeader” and set it to “1”.
Note: This can be performed multiple ways, this is an example.