The macOS system must configure install.log retention to 365.

STIG ID: APPL-15-004050  |  SRG: SRG-OS-000341-GPOS-00132 |  Severity: low |  CCI: CCI-001849 |  Vulnerability Id: V-268554

Vulnerability Discussion

The install.log must be configured to require that records be kept for an organizational-defined value before deletion, unless the system uses a central audit record storage facility.

Proper audit storage capacity is crucial to ensuring the ongoing logging of critical events.


Verify the macOS system is configured with install.log retention to 365 with the following command:

/usr/sbin/aslmanager -dd 2>&1 | /usr/bin/awk '/\/var\/log\/install.log$/ {count++} /Processing module,/Finished/ { for (i=1;i<=NR;i++) { if ($i == "TTL" && $(i+2) >= 365) { ttl="True" }; if ($i == "MAX") {max="True"}}} END{if (count > 1) { print "Multiple config files for /var/log/install, manually remove the extra files"} else if (max == "True") { print "all_max setting is configured, must be removed" } if (ttl != "True") { print "TTL not configured" } else { print "Yes" }}'

If the result is not "yes", this is a finding.


Configure the macOS system with install.log retention to 365 with the following command:

/usr/bin/sed -i '' "s/\* file \/var\/log\/install.log.*/\* file \/var\/log\/install.log format='\$\(\(Time\)\(JZ\)\) \$Host \$\(Sender\)\[\$\(PID\\)\]: \$Message' rotate=utc compress file_max=50M size_only ttl=365/g" /etc/asl/

NOTE: If multiple configuration files in /etc/asl are set to process the file /var/log/install.log, these files must be manually removed.