SRG-APP-000118-CTR-000240 Controls

STIG ID Version Title Product
CNTR-OS-000250 V2R2 OpenShift must protect audit logs from any type of unauthorized access.
CNTR-OS-000260 V2R2 OpenShift must protect system journal file from any type of unauthorized access by setting file permissions.
CNTR-OS-000270 V2R2 OpenShift must protect system journal file from any type of unauthorized access by setting owner permissions.
CNTR-OS-000280 V2R2 OpenShift must protect log directory from any type of unauthorized access by setting file permissions.
CNTR-OS-000290 V2R2 OpenShift must protect log directory from any type of unauthorized access by setting owner permissions.
CNTR-OS-000300 V2R2 OpenShift must protect pod log files from any type of unauthorized access by setting owner permissions.